The Feast of St. Anne and St. Joachim is celebrated on the 26th of July.
The Feast of St Anne and St Joachim, Jesus’ grandparents, is celebrated on 26th July. In line with the Church’s celebration we celebrate Grandparents day on this feast day.
This year we look forward to welcoming Grandparents in the Foundation to Year 3 classrooms to enjoy a special activity in the classroom before going to Church to celebrate Mass.
9:15am – 10am Grandparents are invited to visit their grandchildren’s class
10am-10:15am Optional cup of coffee in the new hall
10:15am Foundation to Year 3 classes will make their way over to the Church. Grandparents can sit with their grandchildren during Mass.
10:30am Mass to be celebrated in the Church
If a grandparent is celebrating with a grandchild who is in Foundation – Year 3 but also has a grandchild in Year 4 – 6 they are welcome to collect the older child from class at 10:15am and take them to Mass.