Year 3
This term our Year 3 students have been learning about the story of Ryan’s Well. Ryan saw a need and decided that he would like to do something about it and make a change.
Ryan Hreljac was in kindergarten when he learned that children in a Ugandan village had to walk many kilometres every day just for fresh drinking water. Dismayed, he set out to do enough chores to raise the $70 he figured it would take to drill a well for the village.
It turned out the well would cost more like $2,000 to drill — but Ryan was undaunted, and he raised close to $3,000 that year as his story made headlines.
Ryan was finally able to travel to the Ugandan village where his pen pal Jimmy lived and where one of his wells was being built. A film crew began documenting how Ryan’s wells improve living conditions for entire villages and free up precious time for youngsters to go to school, and his story even became a children’s book entitled Ryan and Jimmy and the Well in Africa that Brought Them Together.
Our Year 3 students have been discussing ways they can contribute towards Project Compassion this year, and with the story of Ryan’s Well in mind, our students will be participating in ‘The Big Walk for Water’ around our school. Please follow the link below to read more about our endeavour to walk 6 kilometres for Project Compassion. You are also invited to donate to Project Compassion through the link or QR code below.
We thank you for your support and encouragement as we walk in the footsteps of our Lord.