Cyber Safety Project Visit

Year 4, 5 and 6

This week, the Cyber Safety Project came out to visit our Year 4, 5 and 6 students. We were lucky enough to have Sam Macaulay, Lead Cyber Safety Educator, come and discuss digital resilience with our students.

Some of the key concepts Sam discussed included;

  • Discussed ways students can be responsible digital citizens.
  • Learning how to keep themselves safe online through activating simple profile settings.
  • Understanding the need to show integrity online and have the strength to manage peer pressure.
  • Use empathy to help others feel included online.
  • Establishing proactive strategies to seek help if things go wrong online.

Sam also ran a session with our D.E.S.I.G.N. teachers and Executive members and they discussed key issues of internet safety.

As part of our commitment to child safety, St. Anthony’s will continue to work with the Cyber Safety Project to educate, inform and inspire our community to be active, responsible and positive in the digital world.

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