School Fun Run

It’s Time to Order Your Prizes

Thank you all (students, staff, parents and our community) once again for your participation and donations.  The fundraising is now coming to an end this week, so make sure you’ve tried to reach your fundraising goal and submit any last-minute donations if you wish.


Prize ordering closes this week on Wednesday 12th July, so if you are yet to do so, please log on (or create) a profile page at Once logged in, click ‘Order Prizes’ and follow the prompts.  Anyone who raised $10 or more is entitled to order a prize.  No changes are able to be made after this date, so please complete your prize requests.    

Please note:
If you have selected a goal prize, you still need to log on to order your prizes.
Prizes can take 7 weeks to arrive at the school.  These will be given out to students at the end of the school day once they arrive. 

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