The Introduction
Imagine the valleys of your life. Those times when yawning need was met by silence. When the desire for companionship found only absence. When there were bills to pay and only holes in your pockets. Now reflect on the mountains. The tasks that seemed insurmountable. The illnesses that dragged on and on. The hurt that seemed to grow rather than diminish with time. The challenges that seemed to have been designed with someone bigger and stronger than you in mind. The way of the Lord is the smooth way. No valleys, no mountains, just a journey through pleasant country. Never been there? Neither had Jesus on this earth. Jesus sums up his experience with a rather sad evaluation: “My kingdom is not of this world”. This world has a rough topography, complete with sin, death, and crucifixion. Yet we trust the word of Jesus because he’s travelled these same valleys and mountains on the road to salvation. We’re never so lost that we can’t be found on these wild roads.
The Scripture (Psalm 145) A Hymn of Praise
People will speak of your mighty deeds, and I will proclaim your greatness.
They will tell about all your goodness and sing about your kindness.
The LORD is loving and merciful, slow to become angry and full of constant love.
He is good to everyone and has compassion on all he made.
All your creatures, LORD, will praise you, and all your people will give you thanks.
The Reflection
The Psalm speaks of freedom and healing for all people. When we are truly free, we know deep joy.
What parts of your life need to be freed for the fullness of joy?
How ‘joyful’ are you in your every day life?
Do you lead with a joyful attitude towards your work, towards your life and relationships? What could you do to improve the relaxed and natural expression of joy in our world.
The Commissioning
O God who has sent us the Radiant Dawn,
our hearts desire the warmth of your love;
our minds search the light of your truth.
Increase our longing for Christ, your Word of Life.
May the new dawn of his coming find us awake and rejoicing.
In joyful hope, let us go forth from here today to announce the Good News of Christ’s coming.
GPBS © (2022)
Liturgy Prayer Ritual © (2022)